Your Safety is Our Priority

It’s scary to think about, but an active shooter can strike any place, at any time. That’s why we’re sharing “Surviving an Active Shooter,” a 6-minute video to show Buckeyes what to do if encountered by this life-threatening scenario. The university offers many tools to enhance your safety, including the Buckeye Alert System.

The phrase Run Hide Fight® is a registered trademark of the City of Houston.

tile graphic representing run, a stick man running


  • Have an escape route and plan in mind
  • Leave your belongings behind
  • Keep your hands visible
tile graphic representing hide, a man crawling into a small building space


  • Your second option should be to hide
  • Do not huddle together because it makes one easy target
  • Lock and barricade doors and shut off lights


  • Fighting is a last report to be used only when your life is in imminent danger
  • Attempt to incapacitate the active shooter
  • Find an object to use as a weapon, such as a fire extinguisher or chair

Information You Should Provide to the 9-1-1 Operator

  • Clarify if you are on The Ohio State University campus
  • Location of the active shooter
  • Number of shooters, if more than one
  • Physical description of the shooter(s)
  • Number of potential victims at the location

How to React When Law Enforcement Arrives

  • Remain calm and follow officers' instructions
  • Immediately raise hands and spread fingers
  • Keep hands visible at all times
  • Avoid making quick movements toward officers, such as attempting to hold on to them for safety
  • Avoid pointing, screaming and/or yelling
  • Do not stop to ask officers for help or direction when evacuating, just proceed in the direction from which officers are entering the premises

Campus Safety Training Checklist

Please follow this link to watch the video that will complete your Campus Safety Training checklist item. Send questions to

Online Training

FAQ - "I have viewed the video, but it hasn't come off my to-do list." You need to (1) view the video utilizing the link in the button below and (2) view the video in its entirety.  If you satisfy BOTH of these criteria, the item should drop off your to-do list the next time the computer does a batch run, usually every two weeks.  You don't need to do anything else.  If, after that, you have more questions, please email