Ohio State's Emergency Management dedicates a significant amount of time and resources coordinating preparedness activities across units on campus and between local, state, and federal governments and agencies. They work to increase campus preparedness and disaster readiness by continuing to implement best practices and strategies in emergency management.

Emergency Management
Ohio State's Emergency Management provides preparedness planning, training and exercises, incident management and coordination, emergency warnings and public information, policy formulation, and resource allocation and prioritization before, during, and after disasters and incidents on our campuses.
- Emergency Management and Fire Prevention - 614-247-4911
- emergencymanagement@osu.edu
Plans and Forms
Local Agencies

Fire Prevention
Ohio State's Fire Prevention provides inspections, training, response, and mitigation to the University community with the ultimate aim of preventing or limiting the loss of life and property on all of Ohio State’s campuses.
Ohio State Fire Inspectors work collaboratively with the Columbus Fire Department and the State of Ohio Fire Marshal’s Office to make Ohio State a fire safe learning and working environment.
Ohio State's Fire Prevention also conducts fire prevention programs to the university community. These programs include fire extinguisher training, Smoke-Out training and general fire safety preparedness presentations.