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Campus Status and Emergency Information

A Buckeye Alert system test will occur January 24. Students, faculty and staff on all Ohio State campuses will receive a text message that will be clearly identified as a test. 

If a Buckeye Alert is issued, information will be posted at If your cell phone number is already in Workday (for faculty/staff) or BuckeyeLink (for students), then you are automatically registered for the Buckeye Alert text messaging system. Faculty, staff and students have the ability to register up to two additional cell phone numbers to receive text message notifications. The system also sends severe weather alerts to the entire university community for tornado warnings.

More information about alert notices is available online.

Preparing for Emergency Situations

Emergency Information Background:

If a Buckeye Alert is issued, information will be posted on this page and on Emergency Management’s Twitter account @OSU_EMFP and Facebook account.

Below is a brief overview of safety resources to help prepare you for emergency situations:

  • Active Aggressor Video
  • Safety Messaging Toolkit
  • About Alert Notices
  • Buckeye Alert Desktop Pop-ups – As an additional resource to provide the campus community with safety information, Buckeye Alerts will be shared via a pop-up message on select public desktop computers on campus. These computers include machines located in pool classrooms (those managed through University Registrar Classroom Scheduling), computer labs and libraries. The desktop pop-up message will contain the same information that is shared in Buckeye Alerts sent via text message. Users may close the message after it appears on their screen.