Don't Think. Just Dial.
If you or someone you know have witnessed or been a victim of a crime, please report it to the police immediately. Emergency contact information for on-campus and off-campus police departments can be found below.

Campus Reporting
It is strongly encouraged to report crime to the police in a prompt and accurate manner. Crimes occurring on campus should be reported to the Ohio State University Police Division by calling 9-1-1 (emergency) or 614-292-2121 (non-emergency).

Crimes occurring off campus in Columbus should be reported to the Columbus Division of Police at 9-1-1 (emergency) or 614-645-4545 (non-emergency). Crimes occurring off campus in other communities should be reported to the local police agencies.
- Upper Arlington Police at 9-1-1 (emergency) or 614-459-2800 (non-emergency).
- Clinton Township Police at 9-1-1 (emergency) or 614-471-1479 (non-emergency).
- Grandview Heights Police at 9-1-1 (emergency) or 614-488-7901 (non-emergency).
Under Ohio law, people who have knowledge of a felony are required to report the crime to the police (Ohio Revised Code §2921.22). Failure to report a crime may itself be a crime.
Information on criminal behavior may be reported to the University Police Division and to the offices of Student Conduct and University Housing. The university strongly encourages crime victims to report all criminal activity to police.

Additional Information
Ohio's public records law (Ohio Revised Code §149.43) generally does not permit the university to promise confidentiality to those who report crimes to anyone except counselors at Counseling and Consultation Service, or under certain circumstances, to a physician or a nurse at the Student Health Center or a hospital or other appropriate medical care setting. Some off-campus reports also may be legally confidential-e.g. reports to clergy or health care professionals. Reports that are confidential by law will not be reported to the university for inclusion in the Annual Security Report.
The university understands that reporting a crime may involve disclosing sensitive information. Subject to Ohio public records law, the university will use and disseminate such information consistent with the need to conduct an appropriate investigation, to provide assistance and resources to crime victims, and to perform other appropriate university functions. However, because of the requirements of public records laws, university does not have a policy that permits confidential reporting of crimes for inclusion in the Annual Security Report.
Note that the use and release of personally identifiable information from an education record of a student is governed by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), and the university will only disclose covered student information in compliance with that law and university policy.
For more information about FERPA, please ready our confidentiality policy.
Clery Act
The university prepares the Annual Security Report to comply with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Crime Statistics Act. Crime statistics reported to designated campus officials, including but not limited to officials in those departments listed below, and law enforcement agencies with jurisdiction over all other reportable university properties are included in the Annual Security Report. Criminal statistics from Columbus Police include statistics from recognized student organizations with off-campus housing.
- The Ohio State University Police
- Columbus Division of Police
- Clinton Township Police Department
- Upper Arlington Police Department
- Vice President for Student Life
- Student Conduct Office
- University Housing
- Office of University Compliance and Integrity's Clery Act Coordinator
- The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center
- Department of Athletics
The Ohio State University's Annual Security Report is the result of the efforts of many people on campus. Each year the offices and individuals listed above provide information for inclusion in the Annual Security Report. No formal police report is required for a crime to be included in the statistics. Every effort is taken to ensure that all persons required to report do so, and that statistics are as accurate and complete as possible. Information included in the Annual Security Report is reviewed for accuracy, completeness and readability.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding any of the statistics and information in the Annual Security Report, please contact Ohio State's Department of Public Safety at 614-247-6300.
The Ohio State University will not retaliate, intimidate, threaten, coerce, or otherwise discriminate against any individual for exercising the rights or responsibilities provided by the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act.
Review additional Clery Act information.
Sexual Assault