The following is a list of services that survivors may wish to use. Non-medical/non-counseling personnel may have an obligation to report information to the police. Regional campus students should contact your regional OSUPD office for additional resources.
Survivor's Rights Guarantee and Checklist
Survivor's Rights Guarantee
Sexual assaults, including date/acquaintance rape, are a very serious concern of the University Police. If you feel you are the survivor of a sexual assault on campus, the University Police Division will guarantee you the following:
- We will meet with you privately, at a place of your choice, to take a police incident report.
- Our officers will not prejudge you, and you will not be blamed for what occurred.
- We will treat you and your particular case with courtesy, sensitivity, dignity, understanding, and professionalism.
- If you feel more comfortable talking with a female or male officer, we will do our best to accommodate your request.
- We will assist you in arranging for any hospital treatment or other medical needs, including transportation to a local hospital with a Rape Crisis Treatment Center.
- We will assist you in privately contacting counseling services, the development of a safety plan and advising you about other available/necessary resources.
- We will fully investigate your case and will help you to achieve the best outcome. This may involve the arrest and full prosecution of the suspect responsible. You will be kept up to date on the process of the investigation and/or prosecution.
- We will continue to be available for you to answer questions, to explain the systems and processes involved (prosecutor, court, etc.) and, if you wish, to be a listening ear.
- We consider your case seriously regardless of you or any suspect’s race, color, creed, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, age, disability or veteran status.
If you feel you are a sexual assault survivor, call The Ohio State University Police Division at (614) 292-2121 and indicate that you want to file a sexual assault report. You may call the department any time (24 hours a day / 7 days a week).
If you are a student at a regional campus, please contact the appropriate regional OSUPD office: Newark (740) 366-9237, Lima (419) 995-8410, Marion (740) 725-6300, Mansfield (419) 755-4210, or Wooster (330) 287-0111.
If we fail to achieve any part of the listed guarantee, the Chief of Police, (614) 292-2121, will meet with you personally to address any problems/concerns. University Police want to help you make the OSU campus safe for its students, faculty, staff and visitors.
Sexual Assault Services Checklist
The following is a list of services and support that you may wish to use. Non-medical / non-counseling personnel may have an obligation to report information to the police. If you are a student in a regional campus, please contact your regional OSUPD office for additional resources.
OSU Medical Center Emergency Department
- (614) 293-8333
Grant Medical Center Emergency Department
- (614) 566-9268
Riverside Methodist Hospital Emergency Department
- (614) 566-5501
Consider seeking medication attention, especially if the assault occurred within the last 72 hours. Accompaniment by a trained volunteer advocate who can provide emotional support crisis- intervention and referrals is available at Riverside and Grant emergency departments.
OSU Student Health Services
- (614) 292-4321
If the assault occurred more than 72 hours ago, the Student Health Center can provide confidential information and services concerning sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy.
OSU Police Division
- (614) 292-2121
Columbus Division of Police Sexual Assault Unit
- (614) 645-4701
File a report with the OSU Police Division if the assault occurred on campus. If the assault occurred off-campus, contact the Columbus Division of Police Sexual Abuse Squad or the local police with jurisdiction. If you choose to speak with a police officer, this does not mean that you must press charges or that the case will go to trial.
OSU Counseling and Consultation Services
- (614) 292-5766
OSU Faculty/Staff Assistance Program
- 1-800-678-6265
Free, confidential counseling services available to students, faculty and staff at any time in the recovery process.
OSU Student Conduct
- (614) 292-0748
OSU has a disciplinary hearing process for incidents of sexual misconduct involving OSU students. This process can be discussed with the Director of Student Conduct without filing a complaint.
OSU Student Advocacy Center
- (614) 292-1111
This center can assist you with academic, housing, and financial concerns. You can also speak with a Sexual Violence Support Coordinator for support in understanding and evaluating your medical and legal options, and for support throughout criminal or OwSU conduct proceedings.
OSU Office of International Affairs
- (614) 292-6101
Assists with incidents involving international students and scholars.
24-Hour Rape Helpline
- (614) 267-7020
Provided by the Sexual Assault Response Network of Central Ohio (SARNCO), this hotline can provide anonymous support and information.
OSU Residence Hall Directors
If you live in a residence hall, your Hall Director can assist in identifying additional resources.
Local Emergency Departments
- The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center Emergency Department
- 614-293-8333
- Grant Medical Center Emergency Department
- 614-566-9268
- Riverside Methodist Hospital Emergency Department
- 614-566-5501
Consider seeking medication attention, especially if the assault occurred within the last 72 hours. Accompaniment by a trained volunteer advocate who can provide emotional support crisis-intervention and referrals is available at Riverside and Grant emergency departments.
The Ohio State University Student Health Services
- OSU Student Health Services
- 614-292-4321
If the assault occurred more than 72 hours ago, the Student Health Center can provide confidential information and services concerning sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy.
Local Police Departments
- The Ohio State University Police Division
- 614-292-2121
- Columbus Division of Police Sexual Assault Unit
- 614-645-4701
File a report with the OSU Police Division if the assault occurred on campus. If the assault occurred off-campus, contact the Columbus Division of Police Sexual Abuse Squad or the local police with jurisdiction. If you choose to speak with a police officer, this does not mean that you must press charges or that the case will go to trial.
The Ohio State University Counseling and Consultation Services
OSU Counseling and Consultation Services
OSU Faculty/Staff Assistance Program
Free, confidential counseling services are available to students, faculty and staff at any time in the recovery process.
The Ohio State University Student Conduct
OSU has a disciplinary hearing process for incidents of sexual misconduct involving OSU students. This process can be discussed with the Director of Student Conduct without filing a complaint.
The Ohio State University Student Advocacy Center
This center can assist you with academic, housing, and financial concerns. You can also speak with a Sexual Violence Support Coordinator for support in understanding and evaluating your medical and legal options, and for support throughout criminal or OSU conduct proceedings.
The Ohio State University Office of International Affairs
- OSU Office of International Affairs
- 614-292-6101
Assists with incidents involving international students and scholars.
24-Hour Rape Helpline
Provided by the Sexual Assault Response Network of Central Ohio (SARNCO), this hotline can provide anonymous support and information.
The Ohio State University Residence Hall Directors
If you live in a residence hall, your Hall Director can assist in identifying additional resources.
Protection Orders, the Court and Community Resources
Ohio Victims of Crime Compensation Program
- Apply for program.
- 614-466-5610
- Specific case information: 800-582-2877
- General information: 877-584-2846 (877-5VICTIM)
The program helps victims with certain out-of- pocket expenses caused when people are physically injured, emotionally harmed or killed by violent criminal acts. Program costs are paid by criminal fines and not by Ohio’s taxpayers. Specific case information: 800-582-2877 For general information: 877-584-2846 (877-5VICTIM)
Ohio Crime Victim's Rights
SARNCO Campus Advocacy for The Ohio State University
Confidential support for survivors of sexual violence from the Sexual Assault Response Network of Central Ohio (SARNCO). SARNCO’s campus advocacy coordinators serve survivors of sexual violence for The Ohio State University community. More.