Safety leaders and administrators from fellow Big Ten schools gathered at The Ohio State University for the 2023 Big Ten Chiefs and Public Safety Directors Conference. The conference featured professional speakers including Dr. Kimberly Miller and Amy Hess who spoke about agency culture and managing crises. Ohio State also presented on crisis intervention, the Joint Terrorism Task Force and its diversity equity and inclusion training.
Dr. Simone Drake, OSUPD Lieutenant Bruce Allen, OSUPD Officer Sherwin Granger and OSUPD Detective Seth Cooper all sat on a panel for a Q&A regarding the diversity, equity and inclusion training they received. Fielding questions from what was most useful about the training, to how to improve future trainings, the department is passionate about sharing knowledge.
“Here at OSUPD we strive to be role models in public safety,” said Lt. Allen. “Overall, our DEI training has been meaningful and impactful to our officers and the Ohio State community. Hopefully other schools can take away something form our experience and share with their officers and campuses.”