Tips to Avoid Scams

As the holiday season approaches, the likelihood of scams increases. Take extra precautions and be leery of phone calls, emails or other communications that seem strange. International students can also be the target of scams. Scams can happen at any time and to anyone. We ask all students, faculty and staff to report suspicious behavior to OSUPD by calling 614-292-2121.

Be sure to follow these tips to avoid common scams. 

  • If it sounds to good to be true, it is.

  • NEVER give your SSN, passwords or pin numbers to an incoming call.

  • Beware of threats meant to scare you into giving money/information.

  • Not sure about an email? DON’T click any links. Visit the official homepage.

  • Think it’s a scam? Tell police or ask a trusted advisor.


Scam Safety Tip Video