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2024 Complaint and Internal Affairs Summary

It is the policy and practice of the Ohio State University Police Division to investigate and promptly adjudicate all allegations of employee misconduct. The procedures for investigating citizen complaints and internal affairs cases are outlined in General Order 26 and the officer collective bargaining agreement. Generally, complaints involve either allegations of criminal or non-criminal misconduct.

Allegations of criminal misconduct or behavior that is either unethical or immoral are subject to the more formalized internal affairs function. Allegations that involve less serious behavior that is non-criminal, but a potential policy violation may be investigated by the employee's immediate supervisor. In informal inquiries, the accused employee will be informed of the complaint. All investigations into allegations of misconduct shall result one of the following conclusions.

  • Unfounded: The investigation conclusively proved that the act(s) complained of did not occur. This finding also applies when the individual personnel was not involved in the act(s) which may have occurred.
  • Exonerated: The act(s) which provided the basis for the complaint or allegation occurred; however, investigation revealed it was justified, lawful and proper.
  • Sustained: The investigation disclosed sufficient evidence to clearly prove the allegation(s) made in the complaint.

All complaints are assigned and receive a case reference number. In all cases, the complainant is notified of the results of the investigation. An electronic database of these investigations is maintained by the Deputy Chief of Police and stored within the Division's secure electronic file system with access limited to the Deputy Chief of Police and the Chief of Police.

2024 Citizen Complaints

How Complaint was ReceivedNumber of Complaints
In Person3
Type of ComplaintNumber of Complaints
Racial Profiling0
Illegal Seizure3
Civil Rights Violation1
Poor Service2
Rude or Inappropriate Comments4
Conclusion of FactQuantity

Comparison to Previous Years

YearComplaintsInternal Affairs
5 Year Average19.82.0